Understanding Difference Between Table Function & PIPELINED Table Function In Oracle Database 19c



A table function is a function that can be called from within the FROM clause of a query,as if it were a relational table. Table functions return collections (nested tables or VARRAYs),which can then be transformed with the TABLE operator into a structure that can be queried using the SQL language.

Table functions come in very handy when you need to :-

• Perform very complex transformations of data, requiring the use of PL/SQL, but need to access that data from within an SQL statement.

• Pass complex result sets back to the host (that is, non-PLSQL) environment.

--Creating A Object With Similar Structure As EMP Table.
  2  (
  3     EMPNO NUMBER (4),
  4     ENAME VARCHAR2 (10 BYTE),
  5     JOB VARCHAR2 (9 BYTE),
  6     MGR NUMBER (4),
  8     SAL NUMBER (7, 2),
  9     COMM NUMBER (7, 2),
 10     DEPTNO NUMBER (2)
 11  );
 12  /

Type created.

--Creating A NESTED TABLE Collection Of The Above Object Type. 
SQL> CREATE TYPE emp_nt IS TABLE OF emp_obj_test;
  2  /

Type created.

--TABLE Function That Returns A Object Type Collection.
  2     RETURN emp_nt
  3  IS
  4     nt_var   emp_nt := emp_nt ();
  5  BEGIN
  6     FOR indx IN 1 .. p_num_in
  7     LOOP
  8        nt_var.EXTEND;
  9        nt_var (indx) :=
 10           emp_obj_test (SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 4),
 11                         DBMS_RANDOM.string ('U', 5),
 12                         'Engineer',
 13                         SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 4),
 14                         TO_DATE ('03/30/1984', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
 15                         1000,
 16                         200,
 17                         SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 2)
 18        );
 19     END LOOP;
 20     RETURN nt_var;
 21  END test_func;
 22  /

Function created.

--Accessing The EMP Table By Calling The Function By TABLE Operator.
SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE (test_func (14));

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      2003 NZATC      Engineer        7459 30-MAR-84       1000        200         19
      2111 CIXLQ      Engineer        1077 30-MAR-84       1000        200         10
      9549 TAEGD      Engineer        3039 30-MAR-84       1000        200         20
      7323 AHIWO      Engineer        1298 30-MAR-84       1000        200         17
      1815 WTLFT      Engineer        3074 30-MAR-84       1000        200         20
      1529 YYTAO      Engineer        1588 30-MAR-84       1000        200         63
      6620 WXWIX      Engineer        1121 30-MAR-84       1000        200         87
      2339 HJPQN      Engineer        1972 30-MAR-84       1000        200         12
      1947 CJQJV      Engineer        1173 30-MAR-84       1000        200         15
      8144 ZXHRH      Engineer        1095 30-MAR-84       1000        200         75
      1749 FFFLY      Engineer        4665 30-MAR-84       1000        200         56
      1516 DBWGP      Engineer        2588 30-MAR-84       1000        200         13
      1894 IKKJC      Engineer        5681 30-MAR-84       1000        200         19
      1594 VEAFG      Engineer        2024 30-MAR-84       1000        200         16

14 rows selected.


A pipelined table function is a table function that returns a collection in PIPELINED fashion,meaning that data is returned to the calling program while the function is still executing.In other words, the database no longer waits for the function to run to completion, storing all the rows it computes in the PL/SQL collection, before it delivers the first rows. Instead, as each row is ready to be assigned into the collection, it is piped out of the function.

The PIPELINED keyword specifies that the results of this table function should be returned iteratively via the PIPE ROW command.

Notice the empty RETURN call, since there is no collection to return from the function.

PIPELINE Table Function reduce PGA memory comsumption & improve performance.

--Creating A Object With Similar Structure As EMP Table.
  2  (
  3     EMPNO NUMBER (4),
  4     ENAME VARCHAR2 (10 BYTE),
  5     JOB VARCHAR2 (9 BYTE),
  6     MGR NUMBER (4),
  8     SAL NUMBER (7, 2),
  9     COMM NUMBER (7, 2),
 10     DEPTNO NUMBER (2)
 11  );
 12  /

Type created.

--Creating A NESTED TABLE Collection Of The Above Object Type. 
SQL> CREATE TYPE emp_nt IS TABLE OF emp_obj_test;
  2  /

Type created.

--PIPELINED TABLE Function That Returns A Object Type Collection.
  2     RETURN emp_nt PIPELINED
  3  IS
  4  BEGIN
  5     FOR indx IN 1 .. p_num_in
  6     LOOP
  7           PIPE ROW(emp_obj_test (SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 4),
  8                    DBMS_RANDOM.string ('U', 5),
  9                    'Engineer',
 10                    SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 4),
 11                    TO_DATE ('03/30/1984', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
 12                    1000,
 13                    200,
 14                    SUBSTR (ABS (DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM), 1, 2)
 15                    ));
 16     END LOOP;
 17     RETURN;
 18  END test_func;
 19  /

Function created.

--Accessing The EMP Table By Calling The Function By TABLE Operator.
SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE (test_func (14));

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      6007 PVCML      Engineer        1461 30-MAR-84       1000        200         17
      1114 LNQLS      Engineer        1904 30-MAR-84       1000        200         10
      6831 HSAKC      Engineer        9055 30-MAR-84       1000        200         11
      1947 KFQFJ      Engineer        1745 30-MAR-84       1000        200         69
      9414 XYTBQ      Engineer        1761 30-MAR-84       1000        200         86
      1287 XAUVO      Engineer        1219 30-MAR-84       1000        200         12
      1564 WBPIR      Engineer        1114 30-MAR-84       1000        200         25
      2079 ATRUG      Engineer        1122 30-MAR-84       1000        200         19
      6792 MJMJW      Engineer        1942 30-MAR-84       1000        200         15
      1238 SVFRM      Engineer        2107 30-MAR-84       1000        200         13
      9686 GGNBI      Engineer        1196 30-MAR-84       1000        200         87
      1772 RKVXR      Engineer        1034 30-MAR-84       1000        200         15
      5466 KHELV      Engineer        6323 30-MAR-84       1000        200         65
      4425 WUAEG      Engineer        1042 30-MAR-84       1000        200         10

14 rows selected.    

For Table Function or PIPELINED Table Function to work, below are the prerequisites :-

• The Collection type must be defined at the schema level.

• The Function can be defined at either schema level or package level.

Shoumadip Das

Hi Folks, I am Shoumadip Das hailing from Kolkata, India welcoming you to explore my blog www.oraclemasterpiece.com. I am a self motivated and successful professional working in a leading IT Giant for more than 10 years.My area of expertise includes –

  • Oracle Database Programming (SQL & PL/SQL)
  • Perl Programming
  • Unix Programming

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