Category: PL/SQL


Understanding SET Operations In NESTED TABLE

Out of the three collection types, NESTED TABLE collection type supports SET operations in Oracle. x MULTISET EXCEPT [DISTINCT] y…

Accessible By

Understanding Oracle 12c ACCESSIBLE BY CLAUSE

The ACCESSIBLE BY clause can be added to packages, procedures, functions and types to specify which objects are able to…


Understanding DBMS_OUTPUT Package

Oracle provides the DBMS_OUTPUT package to enable you to send information from your programs to a buffer. This buffer can…


Understanding Private Temporary Table In Oracle

PRIVATE TEMPORARY TABLE Oracle 18c introduced the concept of a private temporary table, a memory-based temporary table that is dropped…


Understanding Global Temporary Table In Oracle

GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE Applications often use some form of temporary data store for processes that are too complicated to complete…


Collection As Table Column Datatype

In PL/SQL,we can use both VARRAY & NESTED TABLE collection type as table column datatype. The difference between these implementation…


PL/SQL Collection Methods

WHAT IS COLLECTION ? A collection is a data structure that acts like a list or a single-dimensional array of…